Q & A

What is the process to adopt a puppy?

Once we have received an indication of your interest, we will send you an application form to make sure your family will be a good fit for these precious double doodles. Once the application has been processed we will notify you and send you a link to make the $500 deposit. We will then send you a contract to finalize the details of your adoption and collect the second payment of $500 so you can take your adorable puppy home.

What are the Puppies expected weight when they are full-grown?

The parents are between 50 and 60 pounds, so the puppies should be around the same weight.

What will the temperament of the puppies be?

A cross between the nation’s much-loved Labrador, Golden Retrieve, and Poodle breeds, Double doodles are kind and affectionate with plenty of energy and a playful nature, making them an ideal family dog. They love attention and quality time with their owners. They are high-energy, active dogs and are best suited to families who can take them for interesting walks. 

Do you follow a system to get them ready?

We follow the "Rule of 7's" system, which ensures the puppies are well-adjusted when they come to your home.

  • Been in at least 7 different locations (backyard, garage, kitchen, neighbor’s yard, etc.)
  • Eaten from at least 7 different containers
  • Been held and petted by at least 7 different people
  • Been in a crate at least 7 times
  • Played with at least 7 different kinds of toys
  • Walked on at least 7 different substrates (grass, gravel, concrete, etc.)
  • Been taken somewhere alone, without mom or littermates, at least 7 times
  • Been exposed to at least 7 challenges (climbing on a box, going through a tunnel, climbing up steps, etc.)

How do you prepare the puppies for their new homes?

  • Begin Potty Training
  • Outdoor activities and play
  • Various Noises
  • Structures for climbing and play
  • Touch Desensitization
  • Household Desensitization
  • Sound Stimulation
  • Socializing with Cats
  • Socializing with Adult Dogs
  • Socializing with Children and Adults

How is the health of the puppies?

All of our Double Doodle puppies start their deworming series 2 weeks after they are born and continue at 3, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. They receive their first round of shots at around 6 weeks, which includes distemper and parvo. We ask each new owner to take their new puppy to their own veterinarian within 1 week of receiving the puppy. This will ensure they have confidence in the puppy's health.

What color hair do they have?

These Labradoodle puppies are apricot and cream-colored.

What style hair do they have?

We expect some of these double-doodle puppies to have curly hair and some to have wavy hair. All of them should be non-shedding.